Friday, January 13, 2006


Speaking from the floor Thursday . . . Delegate Bill Hamilton R-Upshur County 39th District delivered a passionate, but difficult speech today regarding the Sago Mine Disaster and his immediate relationship with one miner's family. Delegate Hamilton while fighting back tears informed Delegates in attendance that beyond the the usual small community ties, one miner was in fact his best friend. As the House Delegation sat quietly, Delegate Hamilton went on to discuss the circumstances surrounding the miscommunication; he relayed the facts of the evening and wanted everyone to know that he was with the Governor in the church that evening when the misinformation began to circulate. Citing both the look of surprise on the Governors face as the information reached their ears and the comments made by the Governor. The Governor was quoted as saying, "we need to get up to the mine face and confirm the news".

Before ending his comments on the floor Delegate Hamilton took the time to chastise Fox cable news service regarding the way "Geraldo" performed his job that evening and referring to Geraldo as nothing more than an "actor".

When completed, Delegate Virginia Mahan D- Raleigh County requested the comments of the gentleman of the 39th be recorded in the journal.